I swear I feel my tummy grew overnight. I'm barely over 3 months and I feel like I'm 6 months far along. I struggled to fit into my mini-maternity pants. They were so cute. They were meant to be for mothers between 1 - 3 months. But no not me. I already started missing my pre-preggo frame. My ultrasound appointment was at 9:30 and it was 9:12. I had ONLY just finished putting on these freaking pants. I looked like a pregnant goat. I was SOO showing. Like.. forget XXL sweaters or hobo shirts... my FACE alone was a dead giveaway. Porky.
*Sigh* No time to sulk. I grabbed my keys and dipped. Yale was linking up with me there and we all know how she gets when shes made to wait. We were going to see baby today! She was excited, I was cranky. Tired maybe. But yes... no going late.
"What have I done now?"
"You owe me TIME... we haven't seen since plus I need someone to talk to."
*Sigh*.... "This is true."
"So...I'm coming to your place of work and you are going to take a half hour break and FEED ME!"